Please check this webpage regularly for updates.
Admission requirements vary depending on your primary country of citizenship. Please select one of the categories below to see the requirements applying to your citizenship.
NOTE: If you are a dual (multiple) citizen, including Polish, you must follow the admission path for Polish citizens, regardless of your country of residence or birth or the country where you completed secondary education.
Admission requirements applicable to the 2024/25 intake:
International (Non-Polish) candidates
The information and requirements below apply to candidates whose primary country of citizenship is other than Poland. Recruitment of non-Polish citizens is managed by the Centre for Medical Education in English. For detailed information concerning admission to a specific programme, please visit the page dedicated to this programme (access through home page).
Application period: 2 April - 14 August 2024 and 2 - 4 September 2024
Recruitment process - step by step:
- you register in the online admission system: Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów - IRK ( - we recommend following our video guide to the system;
- you submit the required documents through your personal candidate account;
- if your documents are approved by the Qualification Commission, you are invited for the admision interview;
- if you receive a minimum number of points required, you become admitted.
Required documents:
- your upper secondary school leaving certificate or diploma which:
- is validated (legalised) or affixed with apostille,
- gives the right to apply to all types of higher education institutions in the country where it was issued and is equal to the Polish upper secondary school leaving certificate,
- a document confirming your right to apply to all types of higher education institutions in your home country - if this is not stated in your secondary school leaving certificate:
Eligibility statement - template13.51 KB
- a valid medical certificate confirming your ability to take up studies:
Eligibility statement - template13.51 KB
- a valid passport.
Recruitment fee:
There is an application processing fee: PLN 85. Payment instruction will be provided in the online admission system. Payment is necessary in order for the application to be processed.
The interview:
The interview includes questions concerning knowledge in the field of natural and exact sciences at the level of secondary school (max. 50 pts.), as well as motivation to study the selected programme (max. 25 pts.). It also aims to check the candidate’s proficiency in English (max. 25 pts.). The total number of points which can be obtained during the interview is 100. The interview is conducted online.
Topics for admission interview144.4 KB
The result:
In order to become admitted, you need to obtain no less than 65 points for the admission interview.
After admission:
If your secondary school diploma was not issued by any of the EU/EFTA/OECD countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the USA) it needs to be officially recognized in Poland by province education superintendent (kurator oświaty).
The administrative procedure managed by kurator oświaty should be finished before the end of 1st semester of studies.
Polish candidates
The information and requirements below apply to candidates whose primary country of citizenship is Poland. Recruitment of Polish citizens is managed by the Recruitment Commission [Komisja Rekrutacyjna], which works independently from the Centre of Medical Education in English. Any questions or queries should be addressed directly to the Recruitment Commission. More information: recrutiment of Polish citizens
Application period: will be published in due time
Excerpt from Resolution No 31 of NCU Senate of 27 June 2023 on the conditions and procedure of admission to the first year of study in academic year 2024/2025 at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń:
Eligibility criteria:
Application process is open to candidates who hold the following:
- a secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent document entitling the holder to apply to study at any type of higher education institution in accordance with applicable regulations in force in the country of origin of the candidate,
- one subject listed in their secondary school leaving certificate out of the following: Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, or Physics.
Qualification principles:
Candidates are qualified on the basis of an admission interview conducted in English. The interview in English aims to assess the candidate’s motivation to study physiotherapy, their experience in working for aid organisations, as well as their interpersonal and communication skills. The admission interview is evaluated using the scale of 0 to 100 points. A minimum of 60 points must be obtained in the admission interview in order to become admitted to the study programme.
The above admission rules for non-Polish citizens are based on the following:
Resolution no. 32 of 27 June 2023_-admission rules for international candidates in 2024-2025159.83 KB
Resolution no. 32 of 27 June 2023 - annex 12 - Faculty of Health Sciences 2024/2025 (in Polish)102.97 KB
Resolution no. 31 of 18 March 2024 on the documents required from foreign nationals for admission to studies 2024/25156.52 KB
Order no. 44 of 25 March 2024 on on the detailed recruitment schedule for foreign nationals applying to the first year of studies at the NCU in Toruń in the academic year 2024/2025124.07 KB
Annex no. 2 to the Order no. 44 of 25 March 2024 on on the detailed recruitment schedule for foreign nationals applying to the first year of studies at the NCU in Toruń in the academic year 2024/202583.77 KB
The above admission rules for Polish citizens are based on the following:
Resolution no. 31 of 27 June 2023 - admission rules for Polish citizens 2024/25 (in Polish)432.23 KB
Resolution no. 32 of 27 June 2023 - annex 12 - Faculty of Health Sciences 2024/2025 (in Polish)227.77 KB