Work placement

Please read:

If you complete your work placement in a place which does not fall within the relevant category (see below), you will not get a credit for the placement.
Students receive the work placement logs (booklets) before the summer at the Office of the Centre for Medical Education.
After completing summer work placement, each student is obliged to submit the work placement log with practice program for a relevant year filled out (signed and stamped by the work placement supervisor in the charts, and signed and stamped by a person representing the healthcare unit where the placement takes place) to the Office of the Centre for Medical Education in English.
Since summer work placement is a part of the plan of study, it is necessary to receive a 'credit' which will be given to you after delivering a filled out practice program. Lack of credit means failing the year.

During the course of study, the student completes the following holiday work placements:

  1. 1st year of study: 4-week work placement in nursing in clinics or hospital wards.
  2. 2nd year of study: 3-week work placement in outpatient health care (family medicine) and 1-week work placement in emergency medical aid at a hospital emergency department.
  3. 3rd year of study: 4-week work placement in an internal medicine clinic or hospital ward.
  4. 4th year of study: 2-week work placement in a surgery clinic or hospital ward and 2-week work placement in a paediatric clinic or hospital ward.
  5. 5th year of study: 2-week work placement in a gynaecology and obstetrics clinic or hospital ward and 2-week work placement in in anaesthesiology and intensive care clinic or hospital ward.

pdfWork Placement Log - Medicine 422.54 KB