Graduates of the 3-year BSc Nursing programme in English are awarded the professional title of licencjat pielęgniarstwa (equivalent to "Bachelor's degree in nursing"). Apart form completing all required courses and passing all the tests and examinations included in the programme of study, students of the 3rd year of Nursing are also required to write a diploma thesis and pass the final diploma examination (which consists in defending the thesis). Successful thesis defense is an essential requirement for graduating and being awarded the professional title.
Annex no. 2 to the Order no. 175 - Supervisor's Declaration91.58 KB
Annex no. 3 to the Order no. 175 - Title Page60.48 KB
Annex no. 3 to the Order no. 175 - APD80.92 KB
Regulations of the diploma examination161.25 KB
Directive no. 126 of NCU Rector of 4 July 2020 - procedure of awarding professional title456.91 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 1219.35 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 2108.03 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 3108.82 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 4113.56 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 5124.43 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 6187.2 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 7112.63 KB
Directive no. 126 of 4 July 2020 - Appendix 8123.73 KB
Detailed information concerning diploma examinations581.18 KB
Course of an online diploma examination162.87 KB
Online diploma examination protocol157.19 KB
Instructions for writing a case study thesis372.98 KB
Rules for writing a diploma thesis380.44 KB
APD system (Archives of Diploma Theses)122.61 KB