Dear All!
The Faculty of Medical Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk) will once again be awarding the ‘Dr. Wacław Mayzel Medical Laurel’ distinction.
‘Dr. Wacław Mayzel Medical Laurel’ is a distinction of Polish Academy of Sciences for students working in research. The distinction is given for a highly acclaimed paper that has been written and published in a scientific journal prior to graduation, and its preparation was not related to the formal requirements of the degree programme.
The application should include:
- the full text of the thesis,
- substantive justification - documented or confirmed by e.g. supervisor or other person supervising the research,
- a description of the candidate(s) involvement in the implementation of the research and in the preparation of the text for publication.
Submission of applications:
- hard copy to the Dean's Office of the relevant faculty,
- electronic version to: Faculty of Medicine at, Faculty of Pharmacy at, Faculty of Health Sciences at
The deadline for submitting applications is 23 April 2025 (22 April 2025 at the Faculty of Health Sciences).
Regulations112.78 KB
Application form118.15 KB - to be submitted to the relevant Dean's office
Application form template124.64 KB - a template of the form (with guidelines in English on how to fill out the actual form)